Church and Culture

How should one approach his or her culture as a Christian? This question has lingered longer than one may assume. In the early days of Christianity, the early disciples of Christ had to face this head-on. In the Second Century, the Roman Empire had control over many lands. Due to that their rule, religion, philosophy, and worldview dominated conversations. The Romans were polytheists. Thus, they believed in the existence of many gods. They were much like the Greeks. This is, they had a god for almost everything. There was a sun god, moon god, a god for rain, and many more. This was against the Christian’s view about the existence of only one God.

The Roman pantheon was in direct opposition to the church and the gospel. This difference made the relationship between the state and the church unreconcilable. The Christians stood aloof in a lot of things. This behavior made the Romans assume that the Christians were enemies of the state and the Emperor. The Christians were therefore persecuted. Whenever any disaster occurred in the empire, it was blamed on the Christians for angering such a particular god by not honoring him or her. In the second century, this is when we see some witnesses such as Ignatius, Polycarp, and others rising to the occasion and defended the Christian faith, not only with their lips but also with their blood. Time would be given to these men in the next couple of articles.  Now, back to the question, how should one approach culture as a Christian? Should we also stand aloof as many second-century believers did? Or what should we do in our contemporary times with regards to ungodly culture?

      In many lands, there is religious freedom. The modern church has the opportunity to proclaim the gospel with less resistance from the prevailing culture. With this, the modern church should be cautious of not become judgmental toward the prevailing culture. Paul the apostle could have been judgmental towards the Athenians because of their pantheon, but he took the opportunity to proclaim the resurrected Christ to them. The church has not been sent to condemn the world but to preach the gospel and “become all things to all people” for the sake of winning some for Christ. It is for this reason that is why the modern church should approach the culture with the gospel instead of prejudices and judgmental attitudes toward the prevailing culture.

     Moreover, many in recent days are trying all they can to stay away from everything that is culture. But if that was what the early church and believers did, Christianity could not have penetrated through the Roman empire. Or neither could it have spread across the entire world. Earlier disciples approached the culture and yet remained committed to the Lord Jesus. Total seclusion from the culture would hinder the church’s fundamental mission which is evangelizing the world. The modern church cannot afford to allow every sector of the culture to be controlled by the unbeliever.

The church should approach culture with the liberating message of Christ. Even though the church exists to worship God and edify believers, it also exists to bring many sons to God’s kingdom. The church can fulfill this mission of bringing sons to God’s kingdom only when they approach the prevailing culture with the gospel. As Paul wrote to the Romans that how can they believe in whom they have not heard? (Rom. 10:14), similarly, the prevailing culture cannot be changed unless the Christian message of hope has been preached. Agreeably, the Christian cannot allow the prevailing culture of the world to take captive of him or her, but the Christian must be careful that he or she would not fall on total seclusion as the only remedy. The perfect remedy for approaching ungodly culture is the good news. If we live by the truth of the message of the cross, and also preach about it, the prevailing ungodly culture would be turned upside down for the Lord. Soli Deo Gloria

Michael Yaw Tano

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  1. Thank you so much for this great piece man of God.
    Please my humble question is, can a belief in other things equally be considered as culture?
    Thank you


    1. The Church as the salt and light of the world must play it’s leading role in bringing the lost to Christ. How ever in our attempt to achieve this goal we must not appear to be judgemental to the very culture we turn to live in.
      Paul in speaking to the believers in Rome, he told then that to the jews he acted like jew and to the Gentiles he acted like the Gentile so that he will be able to win some. I believe this is how we approach the subject matter without compromising our stand as Christians.

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