A Case for Christ

I vividly recall encountering the story of Lee Strobel and watching his film, “The Case for Christ.” As an atheist investigative journalist, Strobel initially set out to research Christianity with the intention of undermining the faith. However, as he delved into the identity of Christ—His birth, death, and resurrection—Strobel found himself captivated by the profound nature of Jesus. Despite his initial goal to refute Christianity, he underwent a transformation, embracing Christianity and authoring a book defending the compelling case for Christ.

I bring this story up because, if there was ever a time that Jesus’ superiority ever needed defending, it is now. There are people who claim that he did not even exist. Others claim that although he existed but He was an ordinary man. The appalling of them all is those who called themselves pastors and deny Scripture. One preacher said that Jesus was not God from the beginning but was made God after His substitutionary atonement. Sad as it is, the preacher went on to claim that the Son of God did not create anything, but it was through Him that everything was created. Half-baked theology is as dangerous as false doctrine. He forgot that it is written, “He also says concerning the Son, ‘In the beginning Lord, you laid the foundation of the earth and made the heavens with your hands” (Hebrews 1:10). The so-called pastor demonstrates his ignorance of the Word by denying Scripture because he wants to prove his theology at all costs.

 Others are now elevating angels and entertaining angel worship today. Some are claiming that it Others are now elevating angels and entertaining angel worship today. Some are claiming that it is now their turn and in God’s hierarchy, they have been elevated to be the Pastor of the global church. Herein lies the contradiction. It is written, “Long ago, God spoke many times and in many ways to our ancestors through the prophets. And now in these final days, he has spoken to us through his Son” (v. 1). The global church is the bride of Christ. No one tells her what to do. God has spoken once and for all through His Son who is the incarnate Word.

It is yet a time that we need to arise and make a case for Christ. It is yet a time to defend His superiority over angels’ worship and ancestor veneration. It is Christ alone who is supreme. It is Christ alone that everyone needs. As Paul said, so we also say to those who bring in different teaching and denigrate Christ that if they do not repent, they will fall “under God’s curse” (Galatians 2: 8). Let us reject any form of worship that exalts anything but Christ. It is Christ alone who needs exaltation, but not angels, preachers, prophets, and ancestors. Soli Deo Gloria.

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