The Danger of Turning Away

In Chapter 1 of Hebrews, the writer admonishes his readers to consider Christ’s superiority to angels. He stated categorically that the Son is the Creator, Sustainer, and heir of the universe (vv. 2-3). In Chapter 2, he gives a grim warning to them again by saying that they should be careful so that they do not drift away like a ship getting off track. Since Christ is superior, it is directly proportional that His message too is superior to any message ever heard. The writer argued that if the message delivered by angels were punished if one disobeyed, how severely would one be punished if he/she refused to hearken to the words of Christ? This is the writer’s argument.

Nonetheless, what makes Christ’s message superior? First, the writer argues that the message was delivered by God’s superior Son, as stated in the earlier paragraph. Since Christ is superior to angels, prophets, and everyone, He must be taken seriously. Second, the message He delivered was superior because His apostles preached this same message and even died for it. They saw the transformative nature of the message Christ gave to them. It changed the inner core of their beings. Once, they were sinners, but because of this message, they became sons of God. What could have done this? It was the message the Son delivered that did it. Third, the message was superior because God attested to it with signs and wonders. Those who were sick received healing. The blind saw. The lame walked. This is the message that demands all our attention.

The warning the writer gave to his readers applies to us today, as many are standing on sinking sand. They are wandering. Some are confused and disturbed about whether they should solely rely on Christ and put their absolute faith in Him. I will follow the writer’s warning and say, be careful that you do not drift away. Be careful that you do not put your confidence, hope, and place your future into anything, whether a system, tradition, or a person.

The writer gave us a remedy if we do not want to drift away. He said, “We must listen carefully to the truth we have heard or we drift away from it” (2:1). The message you heard of Christ, you must once again listen carefully to it. If you think it is not enough and you want to add something so that your itching ears will be tickled, be careful because you’re about to drift away. Christ is enough. His message is enough. You do not need any additional messages. Be content with Christ. He should suffice because He alone is enough. Soli Deo Gloria.

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