Gleaning from the Past (6)

In AD 64, the fire of Rome destroyed much of the city. As for the one who started the fire is a bone of contention. Many historians especially those who subscribed to the Christian faith argue that the fire was started by Emperor Nero himself. Although others suggest otherwise. Whether it was started by the emperor or someone else, Emperor Nero did use it to further his agenda. The Emperor used this disaster as a yardstick to persecute Christians. The Emperor attributed the fire outbreak to the Christians. When Christianity began, the Roman Empire did not outrightly persecute it. As a matter of fact, Rome had a law about its religious freedom. Although it is not like the religious freedom we discuss in our day and age. Apart from that, Christians were an offshoot of Judaism. The Roman Empire did not see the difference between Christianity and Judaism. Already, Judaism was an accepted religion in the Empire. The Jews were allowed to worship Yahweh as they saw fit.

When the Jews (Sadducees and Pharisees) started persecuting the Christians themselves, Rome became aware that Christianity and Judaism were not the same. When the fire burnt almost half of the city, Nero blamed the Christians. He stated that it was the Christians that started the fire. He preserved his image but made Christians and Christianity detestable and unfavorable before the people. It was at this time that we see the first persecution of Christians from the Empire itself. Although this was isolated and local persecution, many lives were lost. Yes, many Christians were martyred for what they have not done. Some were beheaded. Others are skinned alive. Moreover, others were crucified, burnt, fed to lions and beasts. Many historians argue that it was during this time that both Peter and Paul died. Paul was beheaded, and Peter was crucified upside down. If they have persecuted our Christ, surely, they will persecute us, one way or the other.

Some see persecution as a thing of the past. But it isn’t. In our day and age, there are a lot of people who are being killed day in and day out because of their Christian convictions. We are fortunate that we have religious freedom in our country. Others do not have it. They cannot mention the name of Christ in public. They cannot even be seen holding the Bible in their hands. All these, when they see them talking about Christ or holding or reading the Bible can cost them their lives. These persecutions do not come on our screens for it will make the central or federal government unpopular. Nonetheless, countless people die for their Christian conviction. Even in China now, Christians are going through their own “great tribulation.” It has been reported that churches have been closed down. Pastors and Christians have been arrested. Some have been killed. The news from North Korea and other parts of our world is not pleasant. Even in North Nigeria, Christians are being persecuted.

Persecution is not the thing of the past. Persecution is not dead and gone. Today, as we have the opportunity, let us do all that we can by living holily, rightly, and godly. Let’s use the opportunity we have to declare God’s love to this broken world because today, we may be free, however, tomorrow, we may be persecuted. Some people see this world as their only guarantee and their haven, but we see the reality. This world is not a haven. The security it gives is brief and temporal. The world itself is passing. Let us look to Christ for security. Today, maybe we are enjoying the freedom of worship, let’s use it. May we also not forget our brothers and sisters who are going through intense persecutions in their lives. Let us pray for God’s enduring grace so that they will stand these testing times in their lives. Although their assets and properties may be confiscated, may God provide their needs. Some may be martyred, may God strengthen them so that they will remember that if our outer body is taken away, we have a better dwelling. May the Lord help us that the riches of today will not take from us our Christ. May we never forget about the reality of this world that it is fading and passing away. As we are journeying on this pilgrims’ land to the Holy City, may God give unto us, abundant grace.  Soli Deo Gloria

Michael Yaw Tano

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